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All posts by mlcleaver

Uber v Aslam [2021] UKSC 5

marcuscleaver · Uber v Aslam [2021] UKSC 5 In this landmark case the Supreme Court decided upon the fate of Uber drivers. While Uber argued that the drivers were self-employed and that the app was equivalent to a booking agent, the drivers submitted that they

Upside Down Legislative Priorities

In last week’s special newsletter for subscribers I wrote about how the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would severely curtail the right to protest in the UK. Unfortunately the proposed legislation would only represent the formalisation of what has been government policy for a long

TW Logistics Ltd v Essex County Council [2021] UKSC 4

marcuscleaver · TW Logistics Ltd v Essex County Council [2021] UKSC 4 What does it mean to describe an area of land as a village green? The words conjure up beautiful greenery in the imagination but what happens when someone tries to register a patch

Meghan Interview: Sad but not Surprising

On Sunday evening in the U.S., an Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex was aired for the first time. For us in the UK the full interview will be broadcast on ITV at 9pm on Monday but many of the highlights

UK Law Weekly

Okpabi v Royal Dutch Shell Plc [2021] UKSC 3

marcuscleaver · Okpabi v Royal Dutch Shell Plc [2021] UKSC 3 When a number of oil spills in Nigeria caused significant ground and water contamination, the King of the local community pursued a claim against Shell and its local subsidiary. However when the claim was

How Corruption is Prosecuted in the UK

The 2003 invasion of Iraq led to a complete re-work of that country’s massive oil industry. A new, pro-Western government began handing out lucrative contracts but many of these were stained with corruption. Just this week the legal process surrounding some of those contracts came

UK Law Weekly

COVID Insurance Cases [2021] UKSC 1

marcuscleaver · COVID Insurance Cases [2021] UKSC 1 The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc for almost every business in the UK. In this case the Supreme Court looked at a range of insurance policies and answered some fundamental questions of interpretation so that claims could

Can You Be Forced to Have a Vaccine?

Fortunately my grandparents have had both the first and second dose of the vaccine for COVID-19 but many of you, like me, will still be awaiting the first jab. Certainly I will be first in line when the opportunity to be vaccinated comes up but