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UK Law Weekly

Three Case Special: [2020] UKSC 51, 52 and 53

marcuscleaver · Three Case Special: [2020] UKSC 51, 52 and 53 This week we finish off 2020 by looking at three cases in one episode. The first is about when the courts should allow collective actions by multiple claimants to proceed, the second is about

UK Law Weekly

R (Gourlay) v Parole Board [2020] UKSC 50

marcuscleaver · R (Gourlay) v Parole Board [2020] UKSC 50 After Gourlay’s judicial review of a Parole Board decision was successful he argued that the Board should have to pay his costs for the review. This raised questions about whether the Parole Board is a

Raising the Ante on Gambling Regulation

For the first time since it was sponsored by Granada Bingo in 1988, my football team’s shirt sponsor this season was a gambling company. Amongst supporters there was some dismay about the association but that has now turned into a resigned acceptance that this is

HMRC v London Clubs Management Ltd [2020] UKSC 49

marcuscleaver · HMRC v London Clubs Management Ltd [2020] UKSC 49 Casinos will often use free bet vouchers as a way to lure in punters but in this case the Supreme Court considers how these should be evaluated when it comes to working out gaming

Avoiding Bias in the Judiciary

When we are thinking about the people who hand down legal judgments our wishful thinking lets us hope that they are entirely neutral and applying the law in an even and fair-handed way. In reality we know they aren’t some sort of semi-divine beings who

Halliburton Co. v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd. [2020] UKSC 48

marcuscleaver · Halliburton Co. v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd. [2020] UKSC 48 Questions arose about the impartiality of an arbitrator after he accepted appointments from one of the parties in other disputes and failed to disclose them. The Supreme Court had to decide whether this

Legal Protection For Those Protecting Us

As we enter into the third week of a national lockdown the signs of hope are still relatively dim. Cases and deaths are still extraordinarily high to an extent that has not been seen since the virus first hit these shores. The vaccination effort is

Franked Investment Income Group Litigation [2020] UKSC 47

marcuscleaver · Franked Investment Income Group Litigation [2020] UKSC 47 While the limitation period for claims is six years, the precise date on which this starts is not clear in cases of mistake. Over the years attempts to clarify the law have not moved things

The Hidden Shame of the Prison System

As a society suicides are something that we should always seek to prevent whether that is by removing the means for committing suicide or simply providing better mental healthcare. Sadly it will never likely be possible to reduce the number to zero but that should