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All posts by mlcleaver

UK Law Weekly

ABC v Principal Reporter [2020] UKSC 26

The relationship between siblings is an important part of family life and this case considers the human rights implications of that relationship in the context of children’s hearings in Scotland. Does an older brother or sister have a right to their say in what should

UK Law Weekly

Fowler v Commissioners for HMRC [2020] UKSC 22

Fowler is a seabed diver who lives in South Africa but works in the UK. HMRC wanted him to pay income tax here but Fowler relied on an interesting provision in the law to resist. In this episode we explore how judicial interpretation can change

UK Law Weekly

Cardtronics UK Ltd v Sykes [2020] UKSC 21

The case in this week’s episode is all about supermarket ATMs and how they are taxed. Do they belong to the banks because they operate the machines or do they belong to the supermarkets because they are on their property? Music from

UK Law Weekly

R v Adams [2020] UKSC 19

Irish republican Gerry Adams was subject to an interim custody order in 1973 but now seeks to challenge it on the basis of new evidence that suggests the order should have been signed by the Secretary of State. We discuss whether this is a mere

UK Law Weekly

Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Ltd [2020] UKSC 18

When Dr. Duval found out that her landlord had granted her neighbour a licence to carry out structural work to their shared property she was not happy and brought a claim for breach of the lease. On the one hand the agreement doesn’t specifically ban