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Category Archives: Children

UK Law Weekly

ABC v Principal Reporter [2020] UKSC 26

The relationship between siblings is an important part of family life and this case considers the human rights implications of that relationship in the context of children’s hearings in Scotland. Does an older brother or sister have a right to their say in what should

SM (Algeria) v Entry Clearance Officer [2018] UKSC 9

Family law and in particular the law relating to adoption can vary between cultures but is that enough to deny the free movement of people under EU law? In this episode we explore that question in the context of the Islamic adoption system of kafala.

The Christian Institute v The Lord Advocate [2016] UKSC 51

The Named Person Scheme in Scotland has proven to be a controversial policy. Some argue that it helps vulnerable young people while others see it as a further intrusion by the nanny state. This judicial review case challenged the legality of the Scheme. Music from