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Category Archives: Human Rights

McCann v The State Hospitals Board for Scotland [2017] UKSC 31

The Scottish smoking ban in hospital grounds has been a source of contention since being passed by the Scottish Parliament and in this case we see a challenge from a detained mental health patient. The ban in this instance also involved searching for and confiscating

SXH v The Crown Prosecution Service [2017] UKSC 30

When SXH came to the UK as an asylum seeker she arrived on a false passport. The Crown Prosecution Service decided that it was in the public interest to pursue a prosecution under the Identity Cards Act 2006. Further research into SXH’s case changed their

Trump Weighs In On Charlie Gard Case

The Charlie Gard case is something that has been covered frequently both on this website and also on the related podcast. There is no simple answer to this question of morality and ethics that has found its way before the courts and it is this

Important Abortion Decision in Northern Ireland

The Court of Appeal in Belfast has decided that the law on abortion is ultimately a political question that should be decided upon by the Northern Ireland Assembly. The law in the six counties is particularly controversial as the pro-life campaign has significant political influence.

AB v HM Advocate [2017] UKSC 25

When AB was prosecuted for having sexual intercourse with an underage girl he wanted to rely on the defence that he reasonably believed the girl to be 16. When he was denied this opportunity because of previous criminal charges, AB claimed that this was in

Charlie Gard Case Heading to the Supreme Court

The legal wranglings surrounding the fate of nine-month old Charlie Gard are now beginning to approach their conclusion when the Supreme Court will hear an emergency proceeding next week. On one side the Great Ormond Street Hospital will argue that Charlie’s life support should be

MB v SoS for Work and Pensions [2016] UKSC 53

At the time of this case men in the UK retired at age 65 and women retired at age 60. At what age should a woman who was born a man retire? And what happens when the Supreme Court can’t make up its mind? Music