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Category Archives: International

El-Khouri v Government of the USA [2025] UKSC 3

marcuscleaver · El-Khouri v Government of the USA [2025] UKSC 3 When should a British national be extradited to the United States? We consider the Supreme Court’s response to that question and discuss whether there is an imbalance in the special relationship. Music from

Kireeva v Bedzhamov [2024] UKSC 39

marcuscleaver · Kireeva v Bedzhamov [2024] UKSC 39 Can Russian bankruptcy proceedings force the sale of a property in London. In this episode, the Supreme Court considers the ability of the common law to assist foreign trustees of bankruptcy Music from

UniCredit Bank v RusChemAlliance [2024] UKSC 30

marcuscleaver · UniCredit Bank v RusChemAlliance [2024] UKSC 30 A multi-billion Euro agreement was left in the balance after Russia invaded Ukraine and sanctions were imposed. The Supreme Court was left to decide whether English courts had jurisdiction to impose an injunction that would halt

Argentum Exploration Ltd v Republic of South Africa [2024] UKSC 16

marcuscleaver · Argentum Exploration Ltd v Republic of South Africa [2024] UKSC 16 When millions of pounds worth of silver was salvaged from a ship that was sunk in World War II, the Supreme Court was asked about the rights of the original owner.

[2023] UKSC 50-52

marcuscleaver · [2023] UKSC 50-52 This week on the podcast we cover three cases relating to private international law, trusts, and the tort of negligence. Music from

Skatteforvaltningen v Solo Capital Partners LLP [2023] UKSC 40

marcuscleaver · Skatteforvaltningen v Solo Capital Partners LLP [2023] UKSC 40 The Danish tax authorities tried to recover refunds that, they allege, were obtained fraudulently. Should their claim be allowed to proceed in the English and Welsh courts? Music from

Basfar v Wong [2022] USKC 20

marcuscleaver · Basfar v Wong [2022] USKC 20 After a Filipino woman allegedly worked in conditions of modern slavery for a Saudi diplomat she brought a case against him in the employment tribunal. Should the diplomat be allowed to rely on his diplomatic immunity to

FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Brownlie [2021] UKSC 45

marcuscleaver · FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Brownlie [2021] UKSC 45 After Sir Ian Brownlie QC was killed in a fatal accident in Cairo his widow looked to bring an out of jurisdiction claim in contract and tort law. Music from