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Category Archives: Jurisdiction

UK Law Weekly

Goldman Sachs International v Novo Banco [2018] UKSC 34

When a bank fails it is split up into a ‘good bank’ and a ‘bad bank’. The assets and liabilities that pass to each can vary but after it was decided that a large debt owed by the former Portuguese bank ‘Banco EspĂ­rito Santo’ would

Moreno v The Motor Insurers’ Bureau [2016] UKSC 52

Ms Moreno was involved in a serious accident with an uninsured driver when on holiday in Greece. Should the compensation she is owed be based on UK or Greek law? The Supreme Court resolves an apparent contradiction between UK and EU law. Music from

AMT Futures Ltd v MMGR [2017] UKSC 13

When torts occur across national boundaries as is often the case nowadays in a globalised world there can be some dispute as to the jurisdiction that should hear the case. This was especially complicated in the context of this case where there was an exclusive