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Category Archives: International

UK Law Weekly

Micula v Romania [2020] UKSC 5

These longstanding proceedings look at the EU’s rules on state aid and how they interact with international arbitration. Music from

UK Law Weekly

R v TRA [2019] UKSC 51

The Liberian civil war was one of the bloodiest and most brutal conflicts in modern history. Abuses were rife on both sides but a recent arrest in the UK of one specific individual led to charges of torture dating back to 1990. The law requires

UK Law Weekly

In the Matter of NY (A Child) [2019] UKSC 49

When the married couple in this case decided to split up there was a question about whether their young daughter should return with her father to Israel or remain in London with her mother. As the case progressed the central issue became the use of

UK Law Weekly

Akçil v Koza Ltd [2019] UKSC 40

What happens when the will of a totalitarian regime comes up against the English legal system? How can that system maintain its integrity in the face of such manifest injustice? In this case that concerns a jurisdictional dispute we get answers to those questions and

UK Law Weekly

Vedanta Resources PLC v Lungowe [2019] UKSC 20

Since 2005 it is alleged that the Nchanga Cooper Mine in Zambia has been pumping out toxic chemicals into the water supply and caused havoc for the local population who now demand compensation. As the parent company is domiciled in the UK the claimants initiated

Pleadings in Nevada Courts

This is a guest post from Zia Akhtar – LLB (Lon) LLM (Lon) Grays Inn Phd law Sussex Introduction The expertise of litigation lawyers comes equipped with the knowledge of  written pleadings, the responsibilities of the pleader; the form and structure of skeleton argument; relevancy