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Category Archives: Podcast

UK Law Weekly

The Coronavirus Act 2020

In this bonus episode we break down the recently passed Coronavirus Act 2020 and analyse some of the key provisions.

UK Law Weekly

Micula v Romania [2020] UKSC 5

These longstanding proceedings look at the EU’s rules on state aid and how they interact with international arbitration. Music from

UK Law Weekly

RR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2019] UKSC 52

The bedroom tax is one of the most controversial policies in recent memory and has disproportionately affected those with disabilities. In a 2016 case the Supreme Court found that the regulations were in breach of human rights law but does that change how the law

UK Law Weekly

R v TRA [2019] UKSC 51

The Liberian civil war was one of the bloodiest and most brutal conflicts in modern history. Abuses were rife on both sides but a recent arrest in the UK of one specific individual led to charges of torture dating back to 1990. The law requires