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Category Archives: Tax

Zipvit Ltd v Commissioners for HMRC [2022] UKSC 12

marcuscleaver · Zipvit Ltd v Commissioners for HMRC [2022] UKSC 12 In this tax case a company tries to take advantage of an earlier ruling to claim nearly £500,000 from HMRC. This test case could end up costing the UK taxpayer £1 billion if successful.

Commissioners for HMRC v NCL Investments Ltd [2022] UKSC 9

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v NCL Investments Ltd [2022] UKSC 9 There is sometimes a fine line between following standard accountancy practices and exploiting loopholes in the law. In this case the Supreme Court looked at the case of a company that was using

Tinkler v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 39

marcuscleaver · Tinkler v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 39 After HMRC concluded that Mr Tinkler owed more than £700,000 in unpaid tax he tried to argue that the original enquiry was not valid because the incorrect postal address was used. In this case the

UK Law Weekly

R (Haworth) v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 25

marcuscleaver · R (Haworth) v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 25 When Mr Haworth was told to either pay the tax that HMRC thought he owed or risk a penalty if he took the case to court, he did not take kindly to this ultimatum

UK Law Weekly

Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17 What does it mean to be deliberately inaccurate? Does it just mean a deliberate attempt to mislead or can it also include deliberate errors that are explained? This tax case seeks an answer. Music from