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Category Archives: Tax

Commissioners for HMRC v NCL Investments Ltd [2022] UKSC 9

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v NCL Investments Ltd [2022] UKSC 9 There is sometimes a fine line between following standard accountancy practices and exploiting loopholes in the law. In this case the Supreme Court looked at the case of a company that was using

Tinkler v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 39

marcuscleaver · Tinkler v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 39 After HMRC concluded that Mr Tinkler owed more than £700,000 in unpaid tax he tried to argue that the original enquiry was not valid because the incorrect postal address was used. In this case the

UK Law Weekly

R (Haworth) v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 25

marcuscleaver · R (Haworth) v Commissioners for HMRC [2021] UKSC 25 When Mr Haworth was told to either pay the tax that HMRC thought he owed or risk a penalty if he took the case to court, he did not take kindly to this ultimatum

UK Law Weekly

Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17 What does it mean to be deliberately inaccurate? Does it just mean a deliberate attempt to mislead or can it also include deliberate errors that are explained? This tax case seeks an answer. Music from

HMRC v London Clubs Management Ltd [2020] UKSC 49

marcuscleaver · HMRC v London Clubs Management Ltd [2020] UKSC 49 Casinos will often use free bet vouchers as a way to lure in punters but in this case the Supreme Court considers how these should be evaluated when it comes to working out gaming

UK Law Weekly

Commissioners for HMRC v Parry [2020] UKSC 35

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v Parry [2020] UKSC 35 What were the motivations of a person who is now dead? That was the question before the court in this tax case as a dispute with HMRC arose in relation to the payment of inheritance