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Behind the Scenes at the UK Supreme Court

In the latest episode of the Law in Action programme from the BBC Joshua Rozenberg heads behind the scenes at the UK’s top court. This is a must listen for anyone who is interested in the legal system and how the court operates. Rozenberg interviews,

A Victory Against British Colonialism

In a damning indictment it was held that nearby Mauritius had been forced to give up the islands in return for its independence in 1965 in contravention of the right to self-determination.

Instagram Drama With @mlcleaver

So here’s a story for you folks. I recently got the following messages on Instagram when I didn’t respond to a request immediately: ? Thank you for not responding but an answer would have been polite. I am only asking because as I said I

Consent in the Age of #MeToo

Today I had the chance to listen to an interesting podcast episode from Zero Books with law professor Heidi Matthews. This caught my eye because in law we often talk about the idea of consent but the legal definition does not necessarily marry up with

The EFTA Route Is A Realistic Brexit Option

The above video was recorded more than a year ago and before the referendum that decided the UK would no longer remain a part of the European Union. In my humble opinion, is still relevant to the situation that the country finds itself in today.

Brexit Misreporting Has To End

Whether you were on the side of leave or remain during the Brexit referendum, both sides would most likely agree that media reporting on the main issues was, at best, sensationalised and, at worst, wrong. Now that Brexit is happening and progress is (slowly) being

Supreme Court by Tom Morris

Permission To Appeal Decisions

The Supreme Court today made three permission to appeal decisions and in all three cases the permission was granted. In this article we preview the cases and consider the issues at stake. Pimlico Plumbers Ltd v Smith The first case involving the controversial Pimlico Plumbers

The Latest Failure To Hold Tony Blair To Account

It was announced in the High Court on Monday that Tony Blair will not face prosecution over the role that he played in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The possibility of such a case is one that I have spoken about in the past on

Changes To The Supreme Court Lineup

It was unsurprising to learn that Lady Hale has been appointed to become the new President of the Supreme Court. The current Deputy was always set to replace the current President, Lord Neuberger, who will be retiring later on this year. A related question is