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Fancy Tea With a Supreme Court Justice?

How would you like to have afternoon tea with a justice of the Supreme Court?

That is the prize on offer to student’s in years 12 and 13 as part of the Court’s first ever writing competition.

You can find out more information here but the entry has to present an argument of between 1,000-1,500 words on one of the following topics:

  • Has the law reached a fair balance between protecting the rights of individuals, whilst still safeguarding society against crime and terrorism?
  • Has the law successfully adapted to combat discrimination or are there areas where it needs to go further to protect minorities?
  • Is it justifiable that public interest can override an individual’s right to privacy?

This is a great opportunity for those thinking about studying law at university to practice their academic and rhetorical writing style in relation to some of the big issues of the day.

On top of this the prize sounds absolutely fantastic and is a once in a lifetime experience!