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My funniest spam YouTube comment

99% of the comments on my YouTube channel are amazingly positive and often incredibly insightful.

It is really difficult to put into words how grateful I am that there is such a strong community.

With more than 7,000 subscribers it is like being in charge of my own university but without the hassle of students who don’t want to learn.

Then there’s the 1% of comments that probably should have been caught by the spam filter.

I did want to share this one because I think you will enjoy it. It’s basically a 1,300 word essay on how the equitable maxim “Equity follows the law” is incorrect and I have got it all wrong because:

Equity FULFILLS the law, because equity is everything that Christ did to take away the sin/DEBT of THIS WORLD without destroying the law.

Absent the Bible the legal basis for his argument is from American law and this reminded me of where I was on Monday.

I work at the National Archives and they often have displays of old documents. On Monday they were showing original Chancery cases and so I literally had a document in my hand that was not only authority for the maxim but was actually older than his country!

At this point I realised what a smug SoB I am and decided it wasn’t worth replying. On the other hand I didn’t have the heart to delete the comment so if you want to read it in all its glory then here you go:

This week I am:
Listening to: ye by Kanye West
Reading: Star Trek Discovery: Fear Itself by James Swallow