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Tag Archives: costs

Hirachand v Hirachand [2024] UKSC 43

marcuscleaver · Hirachand v Hirachand [2024] UKSC 43 Conditional fee agreements can make civil litigation possible for those who might not otherwise be able to afford it but, as we discuss in this episode, extortionate success fees can leave claimants out of pocket while law

Competition and Markets Authority v Pfizer [2022] UKSC 14

marcuscleaver · Competition and Markets Authority v Pfizer [2022] UKSC 14 What sort of immunity should public bodies have from costs orders? Does an adverse costs order discourage them from carry out their function? In this episode we discuss the Supreme Court’s answer to that

Times Newspapers Ltd v Flood [2017] UKSC 33

Under the current regime of the Access to Justice Act 1999 a publisher can be liable for costs arising from a defamation case even where those costs include premiums associated with conditional fee agreements and after the event insurance. In this case three publishers challenge