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Tag Archives: election 2017

Potential Judicial Review of the Coalition

In the spring of 1998 a huge step was taken in the Northern Ireland peace process as the Good Friday Agreement was signed by the governments of the United Kingdom and Ireland as well a number of political parties based in Northern Ireland. In fact

Beware the DUP

‘May Hung in June’ was the headline in the Economist after the 2017 general election produced a hung parliament. Although the result was incredibly bad for the prime minister Theresa May, a deal with the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) actually doesn’t leave things

Your Chance to Make a Difference

The UK goes to the ballot box today and you have a chance to make a difference! Make sure that you go to your local polling station and cast your vote. With a range of major issues on the line including Brexit negotiations, the UK’s

Stifling Free Speech in the 2017 General Election

When an election is called and Parliament is dissolved MPs stop being MPs and, for the most part, Ministers stop being Ministers. The election campaign therefore is fought between equals and no candidate has greater rights than the candidate for any other party. In the