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Tag Archives: EU

UK Law Weekly

Zipvit Ltd v Commissioners for HMRC [2020] UKSC 15

When it became apparent that VAT should be charged on individually negotiated mail services Zipvit Ltd tried to claim a deduction even though VAT was not signalled on the invoice. HMRC opposed this and the question of EU law was brought before the Supreme Court.

UK Law Weekly

Micula v Romania [2020] UKSC 5

These longstanding proceedings look at the EU’s rules on state aid and how they interact with international arbitration. Music from

UK Law Weekly

X v Kuoni Travel Ltd [2019] UKSC 37

When X went on holiday to Sri Lanka she was raped and assaulted by a hotel employee. In this claim against the tour operator she is seeking compensation but, as we discuss in this episode, it will require a stretched interpretation of EU law. There

UK Law Weekly

Konecny v District Court in Brno-Venkov [2019] UKSC 8

The European Arrest Warrant is a key tool for fighting crime and is a prime example of EU co-operation at its finest. In this case we explore what protection is available for those named in a warrant, deficiencies in the UK’s implementation and what the