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Tag Archives: medical

Legal Protection For Those Protecting Us

As we enter into the third week of a national lockdown the signs of hope are still relatively dim. Cases and deaths are still extraordinarily high to an extent that has not been seen since the virus first hit these shores. The vaccination effort is

Consent and Transgender Rights

In a potentially landmark judgment the High Court today reached a decision about puberty-blocking drugs that may end up having long-lasting consequences on medical treatment in the UK. Obviously this is a sensitive issue that attracts a lot of passion but in this piece I

Privacy Vs Transparency In The Courts

One of the fundamental aspects of our Western democracy is that the courts and judicial system should be open. This is seen most clearly in one of my favourite judicial quotes from the case of R v Sussex Justices, ex p McCarthy [1924] 1 KB

Stop Living For So Long

Stop living for so long. The comment is rather facetious but is symptomatic of the report released this week by the National Audit Office regarding the rising costs of clinical negligence to the NHS. In fairness the issue is a complex one and goes beyond

N v ACCG [2017] UKSC 22

N is a severely disabled man in his twenties who requires care by the NHS. His family would like to be much more involved in his care but this would put greater strain on the already limited resources of the local authority.. This week’s episode

Charlie Gard Case Heading to the Supreme Court

The legal wranglings surrounding the fate of nine-month old Charlie Gard are now beginning to approach their conclusion when the Supreme Court will hear an emergency proceeding next week. On one side the Great Ormond Street Hospital will argue that Charlie’s life support should be