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UK Law Weekly

Matthew v Sedman [2021] UKSC 19

marcuscleaver · Matthew v Sedman [2021] UKSC 19 The law doesn’t recognise a fraction of a day but what happens when the clock starts at midnight? Does that count as a full day or only part of the a day? Music from

UK Law Weekly

Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v Tooth [2021] UKSC 17 What does it mean to be deliberately inaccurate? Does it just mean a deliberate attempt to mislead or can it also include deliberate errors that are explained? This tax case seeks an answer. Music from

UK Law Weekly

Zabolotnyi v The Mateszalka District Court, Hungary [2021] UKSC 14

marcuscleaver · Zabolotnyi v The Mateszalka District Court, Hungary [2021] UKSC 14 When Zabolotnyi was due to be extradited to Hungary under a European Arrest Warrant, questions were asked about whether the prison conditions would represent a breach of human rights. Even after the Hungarian

UK Law Weekly

Rittson-Thomas v Oxfordshire County Council [2021] UKSC 13

marcuscleaver · Rittson-Thomas v Oxfordshire County Council [2021] UKSC 13 When a school in Oxfordshire moved to a new site, the heirs of the landowner who donated the original plot came out of the woodwork to argue that they should be entitled to the proceeds

UK Law Weekly

Asda Stores Ltd v Brierley [2021] UKSC 10

marcuscleaver · Asda Stores Ltd v Brierley [2021] UKSC 10 As part of an equal pay claim, a claimant has to find another employee to compare themselves with. In this episode we examine what the approach should be if that comparator is working at a