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UK Law Weekly

Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31

marcuscleaver · Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31 Avoiding the consequences of a judgment by transferring money to a different account is probably one of the least honest things that you can do. However in this case the attempt to recover that loss

UK Law Weekly

Villiers v Villiers [2020] UKSC 30

marcuscleaver · Villiers v Villiers [2020] UKSC 30 A divorce application in Scotland sits alongside a maintenance application in England. In this case the Supreme Court has to decide how feasible this is in line with relevant EU law. Music from

UK Law Weekly

R v Hilton [2020] UKSC 29

marcuscleaver · R v Hilton [2020] UKSC 29 After a confiscation order was made against a benefits fraudster questions were raised about its validity. The court had not given other persons with an interest in the relevant property a chance to make their own representations.

UK Law Weekly

ABC v Principal Reporter [2020] UKSC 26

The relationship between siblings is an important part of family life and this case considers the human rights implications of that relationship in the context of children’s hearings in Scotland. Does an older brother or sister have a right to their say in what should

UK Law Weekly

Fowler v Commissioners for HMRC [2020] UKSC 22

Fowler is a seabed diver who lives in South Africa but works in the UK. HMRC wanted him to pay income tax here but Fowler relied on an interesting provision in the law to resist. In this episode we explore how judicial interpretation can change