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UK Law Weekly

Tillman v Egon Zehnder Ltd [2019] UKSC 32

Restraint of trade clauses are an essential feature of employment contracts because they protect the interests of employers whilst also ensuring employees have the right to go ahead and find another job. However striking a balance between these two objectives is something that the courts

UK Law Weekly

Samuels v Birmingham City Council [2019] UKSC 28

When Terryann Samuels was unable to keep up with her rent and was made homeless Birmingham City Council claimed that it was under no obligation to help her because she had become “intentionally homeless”. The Supreme Court considered whether Samuels’ previous accommodation had in fact

UK Law Weekly

Lachaux v Independent Print Ltd [2019] UKSC 27

In 2014 a number of newspaper articles were published that made serious allegations against the ex-husband of a former policy adviser to Gordon Brown. It turned out that those articles had no basis in fact and so this action in defamation came before the courts.

UK Law Weekly

Poole Borough Council v GN [2019] UKSC 25

When GN was a child he was physically and psychologically abused by the neighbours from hell yet the local council did next to nothing to step in and try to offer some sort of protection. Now that GN is an adult he is seeking compensation

UK Law Weekly

Hancock v Commissioners for HMRC [2019] UKSC 24

Tax avoidance must be the bane of any legislation drafter’s life. As soon as you produce even one provision there are already hundreds of tax lawyers and accountants poring over it to try and find loopholes. In this case we look at a loophole that

UK Law Weekly

Telereal Trillium v Hewitt [2019] UKSC 23

Business rates are paid based on a valuation of the non-domestic property in question. In this case a dispute arose when empty offices in Blackpool were valued at an annual rent of £490,000 by the valuation officer before a tribunal reduced that down to £1