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UK Law Weekly

Owens v Owens [2018] UKSC 41

In order to get a divorce in the UK there has to be some degree of fault by one side or the other. This might include adultery, separation or any of the other behaviours listed in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Normally this causes little

UK Law Weekly

Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v HMRC [2018] UKSC 39

Payment of interest on a debt can either be a lower level of simple interest or a higher level of compound interest. In this episode we consider what type of interest the government should have to pay when refunding tax that had been collected by

UK Law Weekly

Mills v Mills [2018] UKSC 38

Spousal maintenance has often been compared in the mainstream media to a ‘meal ticket for life’ but to what extent does that phrase hide a more widespread misogyny that underpins the way that we think about divorce law? In this episode we examine a case

UK Law Weekly

R v Sally Lane & John Letts [2018] UKSC 36

Funding terrorism has long been an offence even as the nature of terrorism has changed. The question that is being addressed in this case is what mental element (or mens rea) is required of the accused when it comes to this crime. Should we consider

UK Law Weekly

Belhaj v DPP [2018] UKSC 33

In 2004 Tony Blair struck the now infamous ‘deal in the desert’ with Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. The assistance provided by the British Secret Intelligence Service in rendering political dissident Abdelhakim Belhaj back to his homeland in the run-up to that meeting was almost certainly