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Unger v Ul-Hasan [2023] UKSC 22

marcuscleaver · Unger v Ul-Hasan [2023] UKSC 22 Following a divorce, a wife applied for financial relief but the husband died before a final determination. In this case the Supreme Court asks whether the claim can still be pursued against the estate or whether the

JTI Polska v Jakubowski [2023] UKSC 19

marcuscleaver · JTI Polska v Jakubowski [2023] UKSC 19 Under what circumstances should the Supreme Court change their mind about a previous decision? Music from

Commissioners for HMRC v SSE Generation Ltd [2023] UKSC 17

marcuscleaver · Commissioners for HMRC v SSE Generation Ltd [2023] UKSC 17 A tax case about what exactly tunnels and aqueducts are offers an opportunity to discuss what a modern approach to statutory interpretation should look like Music from

Morgan v Ministry of Justice [2023] UKSC 14

marcuscleaver · Morgan v Ministry of Justice [2023] UKSC 14 Should the government be allowed to change the custodial part of a sentence after the fact? That is the question before the Supreme Court this week in a case from Northern Ireland. Music from