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Rakusen v Jepsen [2023] UKSC 9

marcuscleaver · Rakusen v Jepsen [2023] UKSC 9 Rent Repayment Orders can be used to force landlords to pay back an amount of rent when certain housing offences have been committed. In this case the Supreme Court is asked whether such an order can be

R (Day) v Shropshire Council [2023] UKSC 8

marcuscleaver · R (Day) v Shropshire Council [2023] UKSC 8 When Shropshire Council failed to consult over the sale of land held under a public trust, local residents commenced judicial review proceedings. More about the campaign: Easements video:

News Corp v Commissioners for HMRC [2023] UKSC 7

marcuscleaver · News Corp v Commissioners for HMRC [2023] UKSC 7 In this tax case, the Supreme Court considered whether digital editions of newspapers should be should be rated in the same way as print editions for the purposes of VAT. Music from

Barton v Morris [2023] UKSC 3

marcuscleaver · Barton v Morris [2023] UKSC 3 A claimant was guaranteed a fee if a property sold for at least £6.5 million. When it was eventually sold for £6 million the courts were asked to step in so that the claimant at least got