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Category Archives: Employment

Essop v Home Office; Naeem v SoS for Justice [2017] UKSC 27

In these conjoined appeals the question for the Supreme Court concerned indirect discrimination. This is where an employer puts a provision in place for all employees but the overall effect is particularly disadvantageous for certain groups with protected characteristics. Essop was required to pass a

How to Achieve Justice for Grenfell Tower

The devastating fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower in Kensington last week was both tragic and disturbing. With fifty-eight people now missing and presumed dead thoughts begin to turn to the aftermath. On Thursday the prime minister announced that there will be a full public enquiry

Campbell v Gordon [2016] UKSC 38

When does criminal liability lead to civil liability? That was the question the Supreme Court had to answer in the Scottish case of Campbell v Gordon [2016] UKSC 38 in the context of the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. A literalist approach to the